Welcome to the Next Level of Your Business Journey

Share your expertise with more people and make more money in the process

...That's what's possible with online courses and digital products!  

Create your Profitable Course Blueprint

Launching an online course is the key to serving more people and growing your business at the same time - without burning out. 

Keep reading to find out how I can help you to create this profitable and scalable stream of revenue in just 4 weeks!

Plan It

Profitable Course Blueprint Workshop

The Profitable Course Blueprint is an actionable, on-demand workshop to help coaches and service providers to plan out an online course that's designed to sell.

Watch the workshop now to learn about the 4 essential pillars that stand behind every profitable online course. 

Get Instant Access →

Sell It

30-Day Course Sales Sprint

NEW! A simple, focused, no-fluff program designed to help you get an introductory course set up in Kajabi and ready to sell in just 4 weeks.

Join the waitlist now to get access to special pricing and bonuses!

Learn More →

Scale It

Evergreen Sales System

Bring in revenue from your course 365 days a year with an automated, evergreen sales system.

After you launch your course, it's time to create an evergreen sales machine so that you can make money on autopilot.  

Book a free call with me to create a personalized scaling plan.

I'm ready to scale →
Hi there, I'm Christina Rava —

As a coach, you can transform more lives with your expertise through an online course - and multiply your profits too. 

But you may be wondering, "How do I get started?"

...And that's where I come in! 

As an expert in course creation, marketing, and sales, I can help you to package and monetize your expertise into an offer that you create once and then sell over and over again.

Book a free call with me below if you're interested in exploring options for direct support.  

Let's Work Together

"When working with Christina, you have no reason to look anywhere else for help with getting your course set up.  She is extremely knowledgeable and exceptional with the support she offers.  From putting together the sales page, the landing page, funnels/pipelines, and everything else straight through to the technical aspect – she is a Kajabi genius!  And I say this without any hesitation.


I don’t know how she does it but she goes inside of your mind (so-to-speak) and pulls out exactly what you are thinking and what needs to be said to effectively market your product.  She pays attention to the smallest detail to make sure that everything is meticulously laid out for a successful course launch."

Verna L.
Got a great course idea but short on time?

The Online Course Template Pack is the key to making faster progress on your course creation journey.

If you're ready to go from "thinking about it" to making your course a reality, the plug-and-play resources inside of the Online Course Template Pack will help you get going quickly - without any overwhelm.

Just what I need! Tell me more