The Profitable Course Blueprint 

An actionable on-demand workshop to help coaches and service providers to plan out an online course that's designed to sell that you can achieve greater impact, income, and time freedom in your business without taking on more clients and projects.

Get Instant Access Now

You want to grow your coaching or service-based business...

but the only problem is that there's no whitespace on your calendar

There are 3 main hurdles keeping you from growing your business to the next level....

Which one is keeping you stuck?

Problem #1

Your revenue potential is capped because you can't earn more without working more hours, and there are only so many hours in a a day.  You end up on your laptop on nights and weekends (and even on vacation) because right now your revenue is tied to your time. 

Problem #2

There are people who are eager to work with you, and as much as you'd like to serve them, you don't have the capacity to take on even more clients in your already-packed schedule.  And then there are others who can't work with you 1:1 because of time zone and budget issues.

Problem #3

It's exhausting to deal with schedule changes, demanding clients, prospecting leads, and never ending follow ups.  You love what you do and have helped a lot of people, but you're burned out and feeling like your current business model isn't very sustainable longer-term.


It feels like there are so many things standing in the way of growing your business, which is causing you to:


Want to Burn it all Down

...and just go back to a 9-to-5 (tempting, isn't it?)


And/or Go Down All Sorts of Rabbit Holes

...spending hours of time and thousands of dollars trying to find a better strategy so that you can scale your business without sacrificing so much of your time and energy 


Sound familiar?

Hey there!  I'm Christina



If you're new to me, I'm a mentor to coaches and service providers who are ready to grow their businesses with less hustle by selling online courses and other digital products.

I totally get what it's like to feel burned out by the trading-time-for-money hamster wheel, because I was stuck there for a long time. 

I spent my first 3 years in business relying on 1:1 services and coaching to bring in revenue, and while the money was pretty good, the schedule wasn't. 

In fact, I felt the pressure of 'the grind' just as much as when I was in my corporate job.  

But when the pandemic hit, my kids were home from school and I needed a way to generate income without having to show up for meetings all the time, and that's when I started creating and selling online courses and digital products. 

Since then, I've been able to replace the income I was making from 1:1 services, while working less (on average 25 hours a week).

It took me a long time to figure out the 'working smarter, not harder' system, and I want to cut down the learning curve for you by sharing the essential pillars of a profitable online course with you in this workshop.

Here's the truth

If you want to grow your income and impact without jamming more meetings and to-do's in your calendar, you need a '1 to many' offer like an online course.


But it's not as simple as dumping everything you know about a topic into a course and hoping that 'if you create it, they will come'.

Successful creators know that the most profitable online course offers all start with four main things:


A magnetic topic and positioning

...that make your course stand out above the rest and draw in your ideal customers, making them eager to enroll.


Strategic pricing

...that maximizes your profits while also providing value and accessible options for your potential students.


'Killer' Content

...that reduces confusion and overwhelm and provides a clear path for your students to get the results that they're seeking. 


Enticing Extras

...that complement the core content to make it easier and faster for your students to get results, and bonuses that incentivize leads to convert to sales. 

Once you have these things nailed down, you're well on your way to creating an online course that's designed to sell.

So let's do this!

Join me inside

The Profitable Course Blueprint

A virtual (on-demand) workshop full of actionable training to help coaches and service providers create a blueprint for an online course that's designed to sell.

Let's Plan That Course!

Here's What You're Getting Inside the Workshop:

Comprehensive Training to Take You from "Course Curious" to a Complete Blueprint for a Course That's Designed to Sell

I've taken everything I've learned from my own 'coach to course creator' journey, together with years of experience helping other business owners to create and launch their offers, and distilled it into the 4 essential pillars that stand behind every profitable online course. 

Pillar 1

Stand-Out Positioning

During the first part of the workshop, you will:

  • Identify the best course topic to appeal to your ideal clients
  • Craft your positioning so that your offer stands out from other courses
  • Choose a magnetic name for your course

Pillar 2

Profitable Pricing

Next, you'll:

  • Pinpoint the best price to make your course profitable for you and a great value for your students 
  • Set up pricing tiers and payment options for your course to accommodate potential students' budgets and preferences for support
  • Understand the best way to use discounts in your course launch strategy to drive sales without undermining the value of your course

Pillar 3

Killer Content

During the third part, you will:

  • Know exactly what to include and what not to include in your course so you don't waste time creating unnecessary content
  • Have all of your lesson plans outlined in a way that provides your students a smooth and transformational experience as they go through the course 

Pillar 4

Enticing Extras

And finally, you will:

  • Decide on extra resources to include along with the core content to enhance the value of the course and the learning experience for your students 
  • Select bonuses what bonuses to offer during your launch to help to convert more leads into sales

And there's more!

Oh wait, did you think I was done? Nope!

We still need to talk about the 3  bonuses you get when you join the Profitable Course Blueprint workshop!

Bonus #1

Lifetime Access

When you enroll in The Profitable Course Blueprint workshop, you'll get lifetime access to the training as well as a private podcast format so that you can listen on the go.

Bonus #2

Get-it-Done Worksheets

This workshop is not about passive learning; it's focused on actionable advice and quick wins.  To help you with this, I'm giving you a worksheets to help you to implement each step of the training as you go through it. 

Bonus #3

1:1 Course Blueprint Review

Once you complete your course blueprint, you'll get a 1:1 call with me so that I can review it and provide you with personalized feedback and tips on how to optimize it!

Get step-by-step, actionable training to jumpstart your online course business!

When you sign up for the Profitable Course Blueprint workshop, you'll get:

Instant access to on-demand training to help you work through the four pillars of an online course that's designed to sell:

  • Pillar 1: Stand Out Positioning - to make your course stand out above other offers, attract the right people and make them eager to enroll
  • Pillar 2: Profitable Pricing - so that you have a strategy that both maximizes profit for you and makes the course accessible to potential students
  • Pillar 3: Killer Content - no more agonizing about what should go into your course; design a curriculum that provides transformational results for your students, turning them into raving fans (hello, 5-star reviews!)
  • Pillar 4: Enticing Extras - identify what bonuses to offer to convert leads into sales and which resources to include inside the course to make it easier and faster for your students to get results
  • BONUS 1: Lifetime Access to the Workshop Videos and a Private Podcast Feed to Listen to On the Go
  • BONUS 2: Actionable Worksheets to Help You Implement as You Learn
  • BONUS 3: Personalized 1:1 Blueprint Review

Snag over $2,000 in value...

... for just $47

Sign me up now!

And in case you need a little help getting off that fence... 

I guarantee that you'll love this workshop and will take away immense value from it.

If you go through the training and implement what you learn, and don't feel like you gotten 10x the value of your investment ($470 worth of training and resources to grow your business), just submit your completed worksheets and I'll happily refund you in full.  Sound fair?

Frequently Asked Questions

You've made it here, so it's time to decide - are you ready to create your course blueprint?

Here's the truth: results only come from taking action. 

➢ If you're sick and tired of trading time for money...

➢ If you've ever thought that relying solely on the 1:1 business model is not sustainable (or scalable)

➢ If you're ready to learn how to work smarter and not harder by creating one offer that you can sell over and over again without sacrificing all of your time and energy...

Then honestly?  You need to watch this workshop.

Because winging it and relying on Google for all the answers is just going to take up more of your precious time, without guaranteeing you any results.

So, are you in?

I'm ready to create my course blueprint